16 abril 2009


Irei hoje regressar ao tema da língua sob estudo do Roberto Moreno.
Se derem uma passadinha pelo “Língua-1” recordar-se-ão que “a coisa” anda à volta dos conceitos de “bilinguismo” e, como consequência, de “iberofonia” em contraponto à Lusofonia, Francofonia e Anglofonia.
E partimos do princípio da necessidade de uma língua, dialeto ou o que se quiser para entendimento global.

Pensemos então no seguinte:
- A adoção do português como 2ª língua é uma decisão natural em França onde há 1 milhão de lusófonos e onde o português é a 2ª língua mais falada;
- E em Itália, porque o português entende 50% do italiano e porque o Brasil é a maior colónia de italianos no mundo;
- Há uma afinidade natural entre Português e Castelhano;
- Há uma aproximação natural entre as línguas latinas, (Português, Castelhano. Francês,
Italiano e Romeno às quais ainda podemos juntar o Catalão) da qual o Português tira a
vantagem enorme do seu poder de adaptação;
- Poder-se-á afirmar sem grande margem de erro que saber Português significa saber
também 90% de Castelhano, 50% de Italiano e 20% de Francês.

Bom, quem leu até aqui concordou ? Há aqui alguns axiomas que ou são aceites ou a teoria vai por água abaixo, mas se pensarmos um bocadinho nos aspetos da prática do relacionamento dos portugueses com o mundo não me parece difícil aceitar grande parte destes pontos de partida para o resto que aí vem (isto é uma ameaça !).

Então lá vamos.
Na politica de língua do Mercosul os países hispânicos já tem o português como 2ªlingua por efeito do Brasil ter adotado o castelhano também como sua 2ª língua, o que reforça claramente a Iberofonia.
Boutros Ghali já se mostrou favorável à Franco-Iberofonia.
O Português é língua oficial de 8 estados em 4 continentes, é língua de comunicação num grupo enorme de organizações internacionais (UE, Unesco, Mercosul, Organização dos Estados Americanos, União Latina, Aliança Latino-Americana de Comércio Livre, União Económica e Monetária da África Ocidental, obrigatório nos países do Mercosul e língua oficial da Comunidade de Desenvolvimento da África Austral)

Nos EUA há 50 milhões de falantes de Português e Castelhano e a ALCA (Aliança de Livre Comércio das Américas) é impensável sem o Brasil, que fala português, obviamente !
Se por estes 2 efeitos os EUA adotarem o português para 2ªlíngua ficarão 1 bilião de pessoas entendendo-se em Português.

Agora entramos na parte mais… “virtual” da teoria !

Mais adoções da língua portuguesa como 2ª língua.

Na China. Já fizemos uma aproximação em “LINGUA – 1”. A comunicação interna é muito difícil pelas diversidades linguísticas que já referimos, há uma clara aproximação ao Brasil que com a Rússia e a Índia representam a nova “ordem mundial” nos aspetos comercial, científico e geopolítico (dizem eles…). Além disso há uma tradição de mais de 400 anos de contactos com o português, em Macau. Se a China aceitar o português como 2ª língua ficaríamos com mais 2.300 milhões de falantes em português.
Na Índia, onde a diversidade de comunicação também já foi referida (23 línguas e 1000 dialetos) a adoção de uma 2ª língua, externa, facilitaria toda a relação. De resto há regiões na Índia onde ainda se ouve falar português (Goa, Damão e Diu, pelo menos). Na Índia ficariam mais 1.100 milhões de falantes.
Na Indonésia, por razões semelhantes às da China e da Índia e ainda por ter fronteira com Timor Leste. A Indonésia acabou de pedir a entrada, como observadora, na CPLP.

Por que razão a insistência em que a 2ª língua seja o português e não outra qualquer ?
Porque quem aprende português faz um negócio tipo pague 1 e leve 2.
O bilinguismo é uma característica do lusófono e é única do mundo.
Essa característica é o resultado visível (audível…) da riqueza da sua arquitetura fonética baseada em 7 fonemas orais e 5 nasais.
Português é já a 2ªlingua dos paises (30) hispânicos.

E agora o “morango” que faltava:
“A língua portuguesa é como o software Linux, pois pode ser usada e praticada a custo zero, basta assistir a uma telenovela brasileira na sua língua original”.
Confessem que esta não vos passava pela cabeça.

Bem, a Fundação Geolíngua está mesmo a trabalhar neste projeto.
A imaginação e o Marketing brasileiros dão força ao projeto. E nem lhe falta o argumento Fernando Pessoa:

“Se ter uma grande literatura fosse, por si só, suficiente para impor, não a mera sobrevivência, mas
a vasta e duradoura sobrevivência de uma língua, o grego seria hoje a segunda língua da civilização. Mas nem sequer o latim, que também chegou a ser a segunda língua da civilização, conseguiu manter a sua supremacia. Para assegurar a sua permanência no futuro, a língua tem de ter algo mais do que uma grande literatura: ser dona de uma grande literatura é uma vantagem positiva, mas não efectiva, pois salvará a língua da morte, mas não garantirá a sua promoção na vida.
A primeira condição para uma ampla permanência de uma língua no futuro é a sua difusão natural, o que depende do simples factor físico do número de pessoas que a fala naturalmente.
A segunda condição é a facilidade com que poderá ser aprendida; se o grego fosse fácil de aprender, todos nós teríamos, hoje, o grego como segunda língua.
A terceira condição é que a língua terá de ser o mais flexível possível de modo a poder responder na íntegra, a todas as formas de expressão possíveis, e de consequentemente ser capaz de espelhar com fidelidade, através da tradução, a expressão de outras línguas e assim dispensar, do
ponto de vista literário, a sua aprendizagem.
Ora, falando não só do presente, mas também do futuro imediato, na medida em que este possa ser considerado como factor de desenvolvimento das condições embrionárias do nosso tempo, só há três línguas com um futuro popular - o inglês (que já tem uma larga difusão), o espanhol e o português.
São línguas faladas na América, e como Europa significa civilização europeia, a Europa tem-se radicado cada vez mais no continente ocidental.
Assim línguas como o francês, o alemão e o italiano só poderão ser europeias: não têm poder imperial.
Enquanto a Europa foi o mundo, estas dominaram, e triunfaram mesmo sobre as outras três, pois o inglês era insular e o espanhol e o português encontravam-se num dos seus extremos. Mas quando o mundo passou a ser o globo terrestre este cenário alterou-se. Será, portanto, numa destas três línguas que o futuro do futuro assentará.”

Fernando Pessoa
pág. 148 do livro, A Língua Portuguesa.

E pronto, aqui têm com que se entreter. Não quero que vos falte nada !

Como vês, caríssimo Zé, não se trata de te pôr a falar "espanhol", pelo contrário, trata-se de pôr o mundo a falar português... Um pouco louco, verdade ?


15 abril 2009


An American Point of View
Wor. Frederic L. Milliken

For the past several decades, Freemasons worldwide have been preoccupied about the decline in membership. All sorts of reasons have been advanced for this decline and many different solutions have been tried to stop it, but to no avail. The line on the graph of Masonic membership continues its steady downward trend.

Lost in the turmoil of argument of reasons and solutions has been the realization that Freemasonry has developed a schism and that breaking apart is in reality about who has the best way to rebuild The Craft. It’s almost as if the Antients and the Moderns were back at it again, but this time it is not over ritual but practice.

Today’s Antients assert that Freemasonry is a personal journey of moral improvement that prepares a man to re-enter society as an individual providing to the outside world an example or role model of one who has taken the high road in life.

Speaking for Today’s Antients is Provincial Grand Master Lord Northamton, UGLE, who tells us that Freemasonry has no role in society. Speaking for the Grand Lodges of England, Ireland and Scotland he states, “Freemasonry has no role outside Freemasonry and that the only influence it should be seeking is over itself and its members.” He goes on to say that Freemasonry is simply a matter of self improvement through self discovery and education with The Craft pointing the way and that a man who brings the lessons and virtues of Freemasonry into his heart would then be expected to be an arm of improvement for society as an individual operating as such outside the Craft. But never should Freemasonry as a fraternity take any position on any public issue, he asserts. “Freemasonry is not, and should never be allowed to develop into being, a lobby group - no matter how universal and noble the cause.”(1)

Today’s “Moderns”, strongest in the U.S.A., promulgate the practice of “community Freemasonry” whereby Freemasonry as a unit has undertaken a vow of charity for all mankind and then enters society as a collective force to uplift the less fortunate.

This view is aptly put forward by MSANA’s Executive Secretary, Richard Fletcher, who acknowledges the Crafts roots in the Enlightenment but then “modernizes” that heritage into community action and involvement, code words for Institutionalized Charity. He tells us, “In my judgment there is nothing Freemasons could do that would be more important than undertaking the role of unity builder by being seen in our communities, by doing community outreach, and showing by example what it means to be part of a family, not only our own family, but the family of our state, the family of our nation. Without fully realizing it Masons used to do these things. But like the rest of the country our ‘sense of purpose’ had eroded.”(2)

Another Masonic commentator, Tony Fels, reaffirms this position on increasing Masonic membership when he says, “There seems to be much talk within the Masonic order about what it might take to spark a revival of interest, especially among younger people, in the principles and practice of fraternalism. Certainly the ongoing tendency among many Grand Lodges and local lodges to become more visible in their local communities through sponsoring scholarship funds, clean-up campaigns, and other benevolent activities will help bring the Masonic brotherhood to the attention of people who may wish to join in the fellowship of the lodge.” (3)
Absent from this tug of war over Freemason’s hearts is the fact that Freemasonry consists of
two distinct divisions of actualization and that both are equally valid and both are absolutely necessary for the Complete Mason. Simply stated these two parts of the whole are:
1) That private and personal journey whereby a Mason reads and studies on his own and then applies the virtues and lessons of the Craft into his daily life, building that Temple within.
2) That gathering into Masonic community whereby Masons initiate new members, exemplify rituals and customs, cement the bonds of fraternalism through Masonic fellowship and interact with the greater community at large.

Freemasonry is then both public and private, singular or group, open or closed. It is not fair to say that the Craft is exclusively one or the other. It is a mixture of practice much as a person’s church is. One may read his Holy Book privately away from church and then apply the lessons of his religion to everybody he meets and he may privately offer his adorations to deity in the solitude of his aloneness. Or one may go to church and pray and worship in the community of believers. And one may participate in a church supper, Bible study or mission work with others, even going forth into the streets and avenues of the public at large. To say that one’s church is only about changing the heart of each individual member and does not involve the reception of spirit or transformation in group interaction is as wrong as to say the same thing about Freemasonry.

Yet we are not here to take sides and declare a winner, rather to declare that neither Today’s Antients nor Today’s Moderns have the answer, both are wrong.

The Antients have totally misinterpreted the prohibition of the Lodge involvement in politics. Politics and religion can be discussed in Lodge and Freemasonry as a fraternity can engage in politics and religion publically. It is only partisan politics and sectarian religion that are banned. That it is to say it is not the general but the specific application that leads to proselytization and the problem. This misinterpretation has caused the Antients to practice only half of Freemasonry. The half they do practice is entirely correct but half a loaf is not the whole thing, it’s like trying to walk with only one leg. Freemasonry is not designed to be practiced like Monastic Christianity with no concern or relationship with the outer world. We as Freemasons are not Monks of the Craft.

Yet the Moderns, mainly Americans, fare no better in this analysis because not only have they so downplayed the importance of instruction, education and private research and study in Freemasonry as for it to be virtually nonexistent but they have then taken the public charge as to be one that places Freemasonry’s primary role as savior of the world’s poor and less fortunate. The societal mission has been corrupted by Grand Lodges who have turned American Freemasonry into a Service Club in the name of “Masonic Awareness” whereby Masons spend all their time, money and talent on Institutional Charity whose primary purpose is Masonic publicity and the marketing of Freemasonry. This is not caring for society or an attempt to support society’s leaders in their quest for a better nation. Rather it is an attempt to buy or bribe friends. And in so doing Freemasonry, which touts itself as a noble and virtuous society, comes across as being hypocritical. It certainly isn’t a path Dale Carnegie would have chosen. Today’s Antients would say that the virtues and lessons of Freemasonry teach an individual Brother to be charitable but they do not teach a Lodge how to be the same.
To look at the traditional true path of Freemasonry regarding its role in society one only has to look at its practice shortly after its formal chartering in 1717 and the high preponderance of society’s most prominent leaders who were Freemasons. For you see there was a time when American Freemasonry counted within its ranks professional, intellectual and government leaders as well as owners and managers of businesses. Prominent men, the makers and shakers of society, were Freemasons. It must be remembered that Freemasonry was a product of the Enlightenment and the early practice of the Craft involved directly influencing society. Freemasons then had no qualms about advocating and working for democracy, separation of church and state, religious freedom and public school education for everybody. Ben Franklin, Paul Revere, John Hancock, George Washington, and a host of others, were intimately involved in the American Revolution and thus the remaking of the society of their day. The leaders of society joined Freemasonry because Freemasonry was involved in working for the betterment of society. Was that politics and religion or was it merely an expression and implementation of those inalienable rights given to all mankind by their Creator?

Today under a strict misinterpretation of the politics and religion ban, American Freemasonry does not have anything to do with the workings of society nor will it even comment on any of the freedom and rights violations made by different nations around the world or advocated by various groups here and abroad. This has made the practice of Freemasonry so bland that it has discouraged society’s leaders from becoming members. If American Freemasonry chooses not to be concerned with society why should society be concerned with Freemasonry? If Freemasonry supported society’s leaders in making a freer, better America then those leaders would once again be part of Freemasonry.

RW Brother A Goncalves of the Grand Lodge of Portugal states this case quite clearly. “We regular masons don't live in caverns or ghettos, out of society. We live within society; we are an intimate part of it. We have special responsibilities that we assume as privileges, because they are moral and ethical obligations”. Masonry is not and cannot be passive,” he says. He goes on to assert that the problems of the individual and the problems of society meet in the commonality of freedom. Freemasonry is forever linked to The Enlightenment, the American Revolution, the Charter of Human Rights, the United Nations Charter, UNICEF and many more. He talks about The Grand Master of Chile, addressing a United States Masonic audience, emphasizing that Freemasonry is not a spokesman for any political party nor should there be any political proseltization in Lodge, yet “Grand Lodges should share some common concepts like: opposition to any tyranny that denies or restricts, in any way, human equality and individual freedom to a complete performance of democratic rights; a clear support to the right of expression and to a fair existence; the respect to the sovereignty of nations; recognition of democracy as system of government and individual aspiration to cultural improvement of any society. Democracy and masonry are substantial and active systems of social progress of Peoples, because both act as source of liberty of speech and conscience and as ferme4nt to interior and external peace».”(4)
The path to Masonic Renewal and Growth leads through a reconnection with society through a constant affirmation of its most humanitarian goals. There are four main areas that I would like to point out where Freemasonry can return a sense of purpose in its role with society.
As a world leader in toleration and acceptance of many different cultures and peoples this is an area where American Mainstream Masonry needs to get its entire house in order. There is no room in a fraternity that espouses equality among all men, for race, religious, cultural or economic discrimination to exist. Nor is there any room in American society for it either. Prince Hall Masonry has for years been a big supporter of the Civil Rights movement. They have the same prohibition in their Lodges against partisan politics and sectarian religion as Mainstream Masonry does. Yet they see no violation of that tradition by working for the same equal treatment of all men. Championing fully, anti discrimination principles will go a long way in convincing leaders of society that Freemasonry is sincere in its support.


American Masons have long been the champions of liberty. It is no coincidence that the phrase “Liberty, Equality & Fraternity” was penned. And advocating the pursuit of happiness unfettered by abridgements to God given freedoms is never unmasonic. American Masons fought to free us from British rule and then played an important role in the framing of the structure and the government of the longest running free society in the history of the world.

“To avoid politics did not mean to deny the civic. The enjoyment of social harmony by the Lodge members relied upon peace and freedom as guaranteed by the civil authorities. Each Lodge was intended as a microcosm of the ideal society.’ A Mason is a peaceable subject to those Civil Powers that guarantee the expression of fundamental freedom,’ says Giuliano Bernardo. Without Liberty, Freemasonry cannot exist.”(5)

Freemasonry was not allowed to exist under Hitler, Stalin, Mao and other despots. All tyrants have recognized that the principles of Freemasonry undermine their rule of total control. That being so, it would not be inappropriate for Freemasonry to let the world know that it is actively supporting the freedoms of all peoples. And in cases of extreme suppression and ruthlessness Freemasonry is as obligated to speak out and work for Liberty as it did during the Enlightenment for the democratization of government.


Imprisonment without cause, torture, denial of due process, enslavement, ethnic cleansing, prohibition of free speech, refusing freedom of religion and freedom of association and terrorism are just a few of the violations of human rights that can be mentioned, all of which run counter to Freemasonry’s belief in the worth of the individual, thus totally incompatible with Freemasonry. So why not say so? There is nothing politically partisan about basic human rights and the dignity of man.

Renowned historian and Masonic chronicler Dr. Margaret Jacob, recently considered a question as to what she thought would be the cause Freemasonry should champion to restore a sense of purpose to the Craft and regain its role in society.(6) She was very reluctant to answer as she said she was not a Mason but when pressed she said her choice would be Human Rights.


Freemasonry seeks to unite diverse people not divide them. It abhors coercion and the use of force except in self-defense. It does not advocate one political cause over another, one religion over another nor one race over another. Every Lodge room is an oasis of peace where peace and harmony flows. When you enter a Lodge room you leave all your differences outside the door. Freemasonry is the only organization in the world that brings together in peace and harmony men of different cultures, creeds, races, religions, economic circumstances and political persuasions. It is the biggest hope for peace the world has.
This is a favorite subject of Paul Bessel who regards Freemasonry’s role in society to be one that is a vocal proponent of the inalienable rights of man endowed by his Creator.
“This idea of Masonry's role being to uplift society, and support democracy and freedom, is not such a radical concept. In the early 1900s it appears to have been a dominant concept in American Freemasonry. Mainstream Masonic writers spoke about Freemasonry working for the good of society, bringing men of all races, religions, and backgrounds together and promoting world peace.” (7)

Bessel reminds us that Roscoe Pound was adamant in his belief that Freemasonry must promote the universality of mankind and that H.L. Haywood regarded the important byproducts of Freemasonry to be equality, liberty and democracy. And then Bessel delivers his ringing rally cry of allowing Freemasonry to be all it can be.

Freemasonry could be, and could have been in the past, the only institution in the world that at all times in every way promotes tolerance and meeting on the level. We could be the leaders in seeking racial harmony, religious ecumenism, cooperation among men and women, civility between people who believe in different political philosophies, and friendliness among those who choose to live their lives differently from others. We could be better than the United Nations, Amnesty International, and interfaith organizations, all together, because we could be the prime organization supporting tolerance for all, everywhere, in all circumstances. This would be a unique role for Freemasonry.” (7)

By actively working for and speaking out for the elimination of discrimination, for liberty and freedom for all, for human rights and for world peace, Freemasonry can regain the respect and the involvement of the leaders of today’s society. It can interact with society as a partner in promoting what is noble, just and right, furthering the dignity and worth of each individual rather than using society to further its own ends. Freemasonry’s greatness will be acting as a vehicle through which society can improve itself, individually and collectively, for no man is an island and no institution exists in a vacuum. We are all traveling this journey of life together; we are all one.


(1) Lord Northampton
MW The Pro Grand Master
The Most Hon. the Marquess of Northampton, DL
at the European Grand Master's Meeting on 5th & 6th November 2007 http://www.ugle.org.uk/news/european-speech.htm

(2) Franklin, Freemasonry and the Enlightenment by Richard E. Fletcher – SHORT TALK BULLETIN, March, 2009

(3) Is Freemasonry A Religion? Learning From A 19th-Century Masonic Debate by Tony Fels – HEREDOM, Volume 15, 2007 – page 175

(4) Freemasonry Role On The 21st Century by RWB A. Gonçalves, Secretary of Morning Star Lodge No 7, Grand Regular Lodge of Portugal

(5) The Masonic Concept of Liberty, Freemasonry and the Enlightenment by W. Bro. Alex Davidson http://www.freemasons-freemasonry.com/Davidson.html

(6) Masonic Central Radio Podcast 3/12/09, part of the mega Masonic site Freemason Information, http://www.freemasoninformation.com/
(7) Masonic Traditions In Our Past And Our Future by Paul M. Bessel, Presentation at La France Lodge #93, F.A.A.M., Washington, D.C., September 8, 2000

14 abril 2009

Autores Convidados

O A Partir Pedra foi criado com o objectivo de escrever sobre maçonaria. Tem sido animado por Mestres Maçons da Loja Mestre Affonso Domingues. Por muito diversa que seja a maneira que estes Mestres pensem, ela acaba por ser também muito parecida pois tiveram mais ou menos a mesma escola e todos têm uma concepção de Maçonaria muito similar.

Modéstia à parte, o trabalho produzido até hoje tem sido notável e tem contribuído para que muitos leitores tenham aumentado o seu conhecimento sobre a Maçonaria.

É nosso objectivo continuar a proporcionar mais, e se possível melhor, informação sobre Maçonaria.

Uma das formas que encontrámos para tal foi a de tentar ter diferentes maneiras de ver o tema, tendo para tal criado o conceito de “ Autor Convidado” ou se quiserem “Guest Writer”.

De entre as várias possibilidades para concretizar este desígnio, escolhemos fazer alguns convites a Maçons de outros países e de consequentemente de outras Grandes Lojas e Lojas para que numa base regular nos enviassem textos de sua autoria para publicação.

Os textos serão sempre publicados na língua em que forem escritos e sem qualquer edição, representando a opinião e o ponto de vista do respectivo autor.

De entre os convites que fizemos, e ainda faremos alguns mais, já nos transmitiram a sua aceitação os seguintes escritores:

Frederic Milliken do blog: Bee Hive


Michael Halleran do blog: Audi Vide Tace

Estes dois autores juntaram-se no projecto Freemasonry Information mas os seus blogs constituem e contêm um excelente acervo de textos.

Nick Johnson do blog : Millennial Freemason

Chris Hodapp do blog: Fremasons for Dummies

Assim e dando inicio a este novo ciclo publicaremos amanhã um artigo de Frederic L Milliken, cujo biografia apresentamos é a que segue:

Frederic L. Milliken III

  • B.A. in Government & History, Minor in Economics from Boston University.
  • Past Master Councilor Battle Green DeMolay, Lexington, Massachusetts 1964
  • Raised in historic Plymouth Lodge AF & AM, Plymouth, Massachusetts – where the Pilgrims landed – 1989
  • Worshipful Master of Plymouth Lodge 1994
  • Candidate Instructor for The Plymouth Masonic District
  • Affiliated with Paul Revere Lodge AF & AM 1991
  • Worshipful Master Paul Revere Lodge 1999 & 2000
  • Shriner and 32 degree Scottish Rite Grand Lodge of Massachusetts
  • Master in the East for the 2nd degree One Day Class held at the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts 1999
  • Member of the Paul Revere Colonial Degree Team performing the 3rd degree in the dress of the 1700s with an added patriotic message at the end. A traveling Degree Team.
  • Booked the Paul Revere Degree Team for a performance in Bloomington, Indiana 2001
  • Squire Bentley in the Masonic play “A Rose Upon The Altar” – performed by the traveling Fellowship Masonic Players
  • Moderator on the former Masonic Internet Forum Lodgeroom.com
  • Moderator on the Masonic Internet Forum http://mastermason.com
  • Regular column called “The Beehive” for 2 years for Masonic Magazine
  • Moved from Massachusetts to Texas late 2004
  • Invited by the Yellowhead MasonicDistrict, Alberta, Canada in 2005 to make a one-week speaking tour at various Lodges. Delivered two lengthy papers – “World Peace Through Brotherhood” & “Native American Rituals and The Influence of Freemasonry”
  • Affiliated with East Trinity Lodge #157, Rockwall, Texas, Grand Lodge of Texas 2005
  • Demitted from East Trinity Lodge #157 2006
  • Joined Pride of Mt. Pisgah #135, Dallas, Texas, Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas 2006
  • Addressed Prince Hall Texas Grand Lodge Session 2007
  • Knight Templar, York Rite Prince Hall Texas
  • Masonic blog “The Beehive”- http://beehive135.blogspot.com
  • Moved “The Beehive” blog to the mega Masonic site Freemason Information with a consortium of Masonic writerswww.freemasoninformation.com
  • Executive Director of the Internet Masonic museum and library Phoenix Masonry – www.phoenixmasonry.org
  • On Facebook as Frederic L. Milliken
  • On Twitter as Lexlib
  • Operate a political blog – http://lexingtonlibertarian.blogspot.com

Esperamos assim dar corpo a um dos desígnios da Maçonaria e que consiste numa verdadeira fraternidade Universal.

O A Partir Pedra inicia assim mais uma etapa que se espera venha a contribuir para uma melhor e mais diversificada comunicação sobre Maçonaria.

José Ruah

13 abril 2009

Leçon d'un Maitre à ses Compagnons

Mes très chers Frères … Compagnons !

Con panis ! Qui partage le pain ; Le copain, comme nous disons aujourd’hui. Quel beau nom pour un grade qui, souvent, et à tort, est dénigré.

Au grade de Compagnon, l’équerre et le compas se presentent de façon differente. C’est-à-dire que vous avez atteint l’équilibre entre la matière et l’esprit. Le travail que vous avez accomplit lors de votre apprentissage, a permis de vous libérer des préjugés qui sont l’apanage des profanes.

La pierre sur laquelle vous avez travaillé, comme Apprentis, était brute et informe. Vous l’avez nettoyée et dégrossie et nous, les Maîtres de cette Respectable Loge, nous avons observé avec attention vos efforts et les progrès que vous avez faits.

Satisfaits de votre travail, nous vous avons accordé le juste salaire que vos efforts vous ont mérité.

La moitié de votre cheminement vers la lumière est achevée.

Rien ne sera plus comme avant car vous avez changé, mes Frères, depuis votre admission en notre sein. Et même si vous en avez peu la conscience aujourd’hui, vous n’appréhendez plus le monde, les hommes ni même les concepts comme autrefois.

Mais ne vous réjouissez pas trop vite, le chemin qui doit mener le Compagnon vers la Maîtrise comporte mille détours, mille difficultés.

Cette pierre, qui est symbolique et qui est vous-même, devra être travaillée, encore et toujours, sans la moindre complaisance ni répit, jusqu’à ce que vous deveniez « os de vos os et chair de votre chair », ainsi que nous l’enseigne la Genèse.

Car c’est par le travail sur soi, et en soi, que l’on progresse sur le chemin qui mène à la lumière.

Nous venons de vous fournir de nouveaux outils avec lesquels vous venez d’effectuer vos voyages symboliques.

Efforcer vous de méditer sur leur signification réelle. Essayez de comprendre la manière comme vous allez vous en servir afin de polir cette pierre qui est votre propre existence.

S’il vous arrivait de faiblir ou peiner sur le chemin, levez les yeux vers le ciel, vers la lumière de l’Etoile Flamboyante : elle dirigera votre marche, elle soutiendra vos efforts et vous guidera inlassablement vers votre destin, vers l’au-delà du miroir, et vous fera découvrir que le centre de l’univers repose dans le cœur de l’homme.

Mais surtout, pour reprendre ce qu’a dit Pythagore « N’espérez pas des choses inespérables et plus rien ne vous sera caché ».

Bonne chance et bonne route, mes Frères.

Jean-Pierre GRASSI

09 abril 2009

A Arte da Amizade

Desta vez deixo-vos um desafio.
Estão de férias (os que estão, claro...) e precisam de algo para se entreterem (a V. imaginação é uma lástima...) pelo que Vos deixo algo para tentarem.
É aliciante, mas é preciso ser Artista. Também compensa, mas não é fácil. Como diz o outro, 90%de trabalho + 10% de habilidade ! Ocupem o V. tempo e tentem fazer um Amigo. Vá, mexam-se !
Este vídeo não é propriamente uma novidade. Circula por aí, mas... Amigos a sério não há muitos. Vale a pena tentar sempre mais um.

Boas férias e divirtam-se.


08 abril 2009

Às Senhoras !

De entre os brindes tradicionais há um que se destaca porque não tem muito a ver com a Maçonaria, ou se calhar tem.

Falo do Brinde às Senhoras, sejam elas a nossa mulher, mãe, irmãs ou amigas.

Este brinde através do qual os Maçons homenageiam as senhoras, e reconhecem a sua importância na estabilidade da vida da família, é talvez o mais significativo de todos.

Os deveres associados à família são muito importantes para a Maçonaria, e sobrepõe-se aos deveres para com a Loja.

Por isso mesmo hoje o meu post é para homenagear a Senhora que faz o favor de ser minha mulher que festeja nesta data aniversário importante.

Requisito assim para mim o 6º Brinde.

“Meus Irmãos, por ordem do Venerável peço-vos que levanteis os vossos copos e me acompanheis neste Brinde:


José Ruah

07 abril 2009

Leçon d'un Maitre à son Apprenti

Mon très cher Frère

A l’instar de millions de Francs-Maçons qui, au long des siècles passés, ont été initiés sur les 5 continents, tu viens de renier ta vie profane pour partir à la recherche de la lumière.

Je dois te prévenir que ce sera un chemin long à parcourir, parfois monotone, parfois exaltant, mais ce sera surtout un long travail personnel d’étude et de recherche sur toi-même afin d’atteindre ce que chacun de nous recherche.

Ne te décourage jamais, il y aura toujours une main fraternelle qui sera prête à t’aider à franchir les obstacles que tu pourras rencontrer. Notre Ordre est ainsi fait que, où que tu sois, l’universalité de la Maçonnerie sera toujours présente. La Fraternité n’est pas, pour nous, un vain mot, une valeur sans fondements.

Aujourd’hui, tu viens d’être reçu Apprenti Maçon. C'est-à-dire que tu vas apprendre pourquoi et comment sera ta nouvelle vie. Le terme « Apprenti » n’est pas péjoratif, loin de là. D’ailleurs, un de mes maîtres en Maçonnerie me disait qu’il était toujours un apprenti, après tant d’années passées en Loge, car tellement éloigné de la connaissance. Tu vas donc apprendre et c’est ici, dans ce lieu que nous dénommons « Loge » que se fera ton apprentissage.

J’ai le devoir de t’informer que tu ne pourras pas exercer le droit de parole lors de nos tenues, avant que nous jugions que tu sois apte à recevoir le 3ème et dernier grade de la Franc-maçonnerie qui est celui de Maître Maçon. Les Frères Apprentis et Compagnons se taisent en Loge. Donc, regarde et écoute, et nous t’aiderons à comprendre et à progresser dans ton travail.

Tu dois savoir que nous sommes actuellement dans ce que nous appelons « une tenue de loge », c'est-à-dire, une session de travail rituel qui réunit tous les frères de la Loge. Un mot important, « Rituel » !

Le déroulement de nos travaux de loge dans notre Rite, qui est le Rite Ecossais Ancien et Accepté, respecte une tradition immuable depuis les premiers jusqu’aux derniers mots prononcés par le Vénérable Maître. C’est le Rituel des Travaux.

La tenue peut être plus ou moins longue, en fonction de l’ordre du jour, mais elle obéira toujours à la même liturgie. C’est pourquoi, lorsque tu assisteras dans le futur à une tenue d’une autre Loge, ici ou ailleurs dans le monde, tu ne seras jamais dépaysé car, si la langue parlée sera différente, le Rituel, lui, sera toujours le même.

Pour terminer, je vais te lire le texte suivant :

« Les dernières qualités que nous exigeons encore de toi sont une discrétion à toute épreuve sur tous les secrets qui te seront révélés ; une volonté ferme et constante d’aimer tes Frères, de les protéger, de les secourir dans leurs besoins, de les éclairer de tes lumières, de les édifier par tes bons exemples, de sacrifier tout ressentiment personnel et de rechercher, en un mot, tout ce qui peut contribuer à la paix, à la concorde et à l’union de la Société. »

Tu vois, ces phrases on été écrites en 1772 et ont été prononcées, elles aussi, par l’Orateur, lors de l’initiation d’un profane, tel que tu l’as été aujourd’hui.

Ce texte contient la référence de toutes les valeurs morales qui, aujourd’hui encore, sont exigées des Francs-maçons. Et je ne doute pas, en te regardant, d’avoir en face de moi un homme qui respectera, tout au long de sa vie, ces valeurs fondamentales.

Mon très cher Frère , au nom de tous, je te souhaite la bienvenue au sein de la Maçonnerie Universelle, en général, et parmi nous, dans notre Loge, en particulier.

Jean-Pierre GRASSI